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A Nation of Uncoordinated Education

The philosophies of capitalism and socialism contribute to differing ideologies on education, more specifically privatized and nationalized schools, and the allocation of it's funding in the United States and in what ways these ideologies present themselves in different responses to the pandemic both in terms of public safety and economic well being.

Here you can learn of about the philosophical tensions in regards to how education should be conducted in the United States, which will aid in learning the context regarding our research.

Here you can read the interview conducted with Dr. Sebastion Royo, a political science and legal studies professor, the Vice President of International Affairs, a vital member of the Integrated Response Team on COVID preparations, and Acting Provost at Suffolk University.

Having elaborated on themes of individualism, anti-science and anti-government bias as explained by Dr. Royo in our interview, we start connecting all these phenomena as influences of  the surface policies and ideologies held by the Trump administration and his ideological sympathizers, which have begun to dictate a prevalent part of our conversation.

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